Baby Swartout!

coming to our home, summer 2010

Got the announcement? August 27, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jen @ 9:20 am

Hello friends & family!

Keep checking back here for updates on our sweet pea, Evelyn.  I haven’t been able to post as much as I intended but will post updates whenever I can.  Today she is 8 weeks old… next Thursday she’ll be 2 months, and on September 7 we have her 2 month dr’s visit, where she’ll get her first shots — I am not looking forward to that!  This week, our day care provider bailed on us, but thankfully at least one center in the area is great, AND has an opening (a relief, since I am due back at work in 5 weeks).

Summer is winding down, but we are busy!  We spent last week visiting Tim’s family in Keene and spent two days with his Mom &  Bob, his brother and brother’s girlfriend, and our 4 nephews, at a lake in NH.  This weekend we have 3 birthday celebrations to go to!  Evy is great and goes with the flow and doesn’t pose much of a fuss, so we are pretty lucky, and happy to keep taking her places and getting her used to lots of activity!

Click here to check out photos of Evy, and bookmark it!  We try to post new pictures whenever we remember to download them from the camera.  Also, the link is always on the right hand side of this page under “baby pictures” where it says “Evy’s flickr site”!

Thanks for dropping by!


One Month… (a day late) August 3, 2010

Filed under: Milestones — jen @ 10:10 am

Dear Evy,

It is hard to believe you are already a month old!  You are changing so much each week, each day.  You are getting bigger and so much stronger.  You are starting to make little noises other than cries and cat-like whimpers.  You are starting to smile when you are awake, though we haven’t gotten you to do it on demand yet, or in response to anything in particular.

Every day, we wonder what you will be like and look like as a little girl, a teenager, a grown up … and we are so excited to find out!  We can’t wait to see who you’ll be, but at the same time it’s sad to see our tiny, snuggly baby growing up.

Already you have been to a wedding (you were so quiet & good – you even slept through the blasting music at the reception!), and both of our hometowns.  You have been pretty easy on us–Sunday and Monday of this week you slept 6 straight hours at night.  On Saturday you even slept the whole time while we went out for lunch!

You are outgrowing almost all of your newborn clothes, and you’ve been able to wear lots of the cute 0-3 month summer outfits our friends and family gave you.  You are starting to enjoy your swing more and we can really see you focusing on and looking at us, at lights, at toys.  Tucker likes to sniff your feet and check you out when you are in your swing.  When you are napping, he often sleeps next to your crib.

You have big feet, and your Grandpap Smetana and Great-Grandma Smetana both think you are going to have the big Smetana feet like me, your great-Aunt Barb, and your great-great-Aunt Mary Cancelmi.  I guess we’ll find out!

At your Dr’s appointment last Friday you were four weeks exactly.  You weighed 9 pounds, 4.5 ounces and were 21” long.  Daddy and I think you are longer (we measured 21.5”), especially since you are too long for your newborn size sleepers!  The doctor said you looked great and we were doing a good job …we sure hope so!

